Stair Consultancy

Helping you to take steps to a safer and healthier environment!

Fire Drills

Fire drills are essential in any workplace or public building for practicing what to do in the event of a fire. They are also a legal requirement under the Fire Safety Order of 2005 and all employees in a company must participate

Fire drills are intended to ensure, by means of training and rehearsal, that in the event of fire:

  • People who may be in danger act in a calm and orderly manner
  • People who may have designated responsibilities carry out their tasks to ensure the safety of all concerned
  • Escape routes are used in accordance with a predetermined and practised plan
  • Evacuation of the building is achieved in a speedy and orderly manner
  • An attitude is promoted whereby people react rationally when confronted with a fire. Consideration must be given to the occupants and whether there are any persons with special needs or who have disabilities.

Fire evacuation drills ideally should be held at least 6 monthly, but it is a legal requirement to carry them out at least yearly.

Multi-occupied sites

The landlord has a duty to ensure there is co-operation and co-ordination between tenants, contractors and all those that use the site.

fire warden

Evaluate the effectiveness of the fire drill

Stair Consultancy will attend site and monitor your fire drill. Following the ‘All Clear’ we will carry out a debriefing to look at the findings and evaluate the effectiveness of the evacuation procedures. Particular attention will be made to those people with specific responsibilities. A debrief report will be drafted and issued to the client, who should communicate this with all responsible persons in the building.

For further information, email:

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